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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us

Angel Ornament - Copy
star ornament - Copy
About Us

We are on a Mission!

As the year draws to a close and we gear up for our Christmas celebrations, we kick off the season with two special occasions: the Thanksgiving Jump UP and the illumination of Christmas decorations across the streets of Christiansted.
Have you ever paused to ponder and inquire who takes charge of the festive lights each year?
Over time, the Christmas lights have evolved into a cherished tradition, eliciting heartfelt joy, delight, and excitement from all who behold them. Children, teenagers, adults—everyone delights in the luminous display!
The solution lies with the Gentlemen of Jones! Every year, filled with immense pride, our members assemble in the evenings leading up to the “Jump Up” to string lights throughout the town. As we hoist and install the lights, we’re met with honks and cheers, and expressions like, “Now it feels like Christmas,” affirming the value of our endeavors.
We aspire to accomplish even more, and we seek your support. By contributing to the Gentlemen of Jones Lighting Fund, we can acquire additional lights to expand our display beyond Golden Rock, reaching southward towards the Five Corners stoplight.


What our Members say